Direktlänk till inlägg 21 juni 2008

Education and sex/ feeling skittish?

Av dennis hägglund - 21 juni 2008 07:03

The one who says drugs are not acceptable contradicts many.

The one who says drink is not acceptable contradicts many more.

The one who says sex is not acceptable contradicts nearly all.

How does one say to the one who takes pleasure from drugs that there is joy in being free of them?

How does one say to the one who takes pleasure in drink that there is joy in being free of it?

How does one say to the one who takes pleasure in sex that there is joy in being free from it?

--when there is so much more to becoming free from it than just saying "no" to it; when the way to the freedom is not easy? The most they can imagine in each case is "I can give it up.", which is not this joy of being free of them.

No one did more harm than by seeing innocence as sexy, function as pleasure. Is God finger-lickin' good? That is the scale of the crime. God in the micro. Man is a creature always averse to hearing how much harm his version of success is doing. Tantalising deafness. Reason's machinery is deafening, and lubricant only makes it worse.

The notions "sexy" and "pleasure" say that innocence and function are lesser than sexy and pleasure. "Sexy" and "pleasure" are notions put on a pedestal, raised high above innocence and function. In truth innocence is sympathy with God, and function, when it is called upon innocently to perform, is Heaven on Earth.

And if it is not innocence one sees as sexy, why would one praise it?

Concealing desire makes a more vicious barb of it than demonstrating it. Reason refutes this, but here in this class we are learning what reason is made of. The way to freedom from reason's mischief is not easy, but it is well illuminated.

If concealing it is not making it innocent, then what remains but chastity or cruelty? Chastity is not something missing, but an acquired gracefulness like a bird's takeoff. It is to see the terrible distinction between what is naturally becoming, and what man has deemed becoming, in the behaviour of opposites in pairing. Innocence became this in man's destructive world, and needed a way made for becoming that in order to remain innocent in pairing. Why should pairing be less innocent, why "Virgin Mary"? Is it Judeo-Christianity, the notion of wild beasts, fifth day monsters and how man has the residual monster left in him despite sewers and churches?

Imagine, if you are a male, that you love a girl, and then she grows up a little and berates you for not lusting after her? Is this the girl you loved? This is "an artificial ingredient", a "chemical additive". The wonderful girl is still there, but will have little or no outlet for the rest of her lifetime, unless she gets help so serious it is perhaps not to be found on Earth, and the only way she can get it is if you discover that help.

Let us not make virtues in our own image, but accept that innocence is not beyond us, even if it has escaped us, so that we have no need to abandon the evolved virtues for contrived ones. A parrot of authority is not a teacher. A teacher is someone who has the job of saying, doing and being right where it counts most.


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Av dennis hägglund - 18 januari 2009 08:31

Go to: http://seriouslyfolks.bloggagratis.se/   or http://dhagglund.wordpress.com/    if you want to see my new blogs. I warn you before you click that these are purely holistic psychology blogs, and the reading will require some concentrated effort ...

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